Saturday, 6 June 2009

Title Tags and Nothern Ireland Web Designers!

What is it about Title Tags?

Title Tags are very important in the world of serch engine optimisation. Anything you read about search engine optimisation (SEO) tells you that title tags are right up there as one of the most important things that website should have. Yet, many clinets I go to see already have been through one or two website designers and yet have not heard of the term "title tag" - I know that website designers in Northern Ireland know about title tags so why the reluctance to talk to clients about their importance?

Simply put - no good relevant title tags = no meaningful place in organic search engine results

I have been out with clients recently who have moved to me from other website designers simply because the notion of keywords was never discussed with the client and their use in title tags and other relevant places was non-exisitent - and the client was wondering why they were not appearing in search engine pages for relevant searches!

Not sure what title tags are??? Well, do a very simple test - go to your website and look at the very top left hand corner of the screen (the blue bar in Explorer) - whatever it says there is your title tag - if it says anything like "Home", " Untitled", "HomePage", "Welcome" then please drop me an email and lets talk!!!

Your title should reflect the words for which you would like to be found. For example, if you owned a site selling grease traps in Ireland - then your title should say something like ....

"Grease Traps Ireland, Grease Trapping Ireland, Grease Removal Unit Ireland"

Title tags are basic, so simple to fix and so important that it is a crime if your title tags are not what they should be - so get fixing!!

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